Thread: My WIP
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Old 19th April 2004, 05:41 AM   #7
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Default Re: My WIP

k here we go with the steps....

first your gonna want to make a front and side simple drawing, like so...

NOTE: youll want to make drawing as identical in propotions as posible.

youll want to divide this image up into 2 seperate images, wich youll set as backgrounds in ac3d.
to set an image as a background in ac3d goto View>Background Image>Set>side/front/top/all
select your Side image for the side view, and your Front image for the front view

now you should have a background image for both side and front views
NOTE: you can adjust the background images placment by holding Alt and pressing the Arrow Keys.

once you have your BGs correctly aligned, its time to start modeling!

start with creating a simple box at the toe of you drawings, and adjust its vertexs to 'fit'

change to 'surface select mode' and use the 3ds window to select the 'back' surface of the box...

extrude the surface back along the foot, every time adjusting the vertex's...

select the surfaces where the ankel would be, and extrude...

right now your probly thinking "thats a pretty blocky foot", and yes it is pretty blocky...this is where Subdivision come into play. :wink:

to preview your foot subdivided:
change to object selection mode
select your foot
goto Tool>Object Property Editor... (or hit F9)
adjust the 'Subdivision Preview' bar to 1, 2, or 3, and press the Set button

notice how your foot becomes smooth.
to set it back, put it to 0, and press the Set button

making the rest of the leg...
select the top surfaces and extrude...

now select the surfaces where the crotch ataches, and extrude...

k, im sure youve noticed that your only modeling one half of the guy
thats cause youll flip that half the complete him later

but you can 'preview' what he'll look like as a whole by turning realtime mirror on.
to turn it on, goto View>Realtime mirror>X

on to making his torso...
select top surfaces, and extrude
as always adjusting the vertex's every time...

select the surfaces where his shoulder would meat his torso, and, as always, extrude and adjust...

now for adding some detail...
to add detail, we have to "Cut" the surfaces, heres how...

select two vertex's, and goto, Vertex>Insert Vertex

next select indavidual pairs of vertexs and goto Vertex>Slice Surface

NOTE: i edited the pictures, with the red dots, and lines, to show you what i meant.

do the same to add a more defined chest, back, and anything else you think needs more definition.

Well, that just about raps it up for now, ill try and do some face and hads stuff later, but for now its 2:00am and im going to bed.

ooo, you shouldnt flip(mirror) your model right now, but if you want to fool around with it, heres how....

change to object selection mode, select your guy, goto Object>Mirror>X+/X axis

NOTE: you can align vertexs to an axis, by Vertex>align to axis>x/y/z

if you have questions, or if i wasnt being clear, please ask, and i will try and explain.


[EDIT] by the way, if you havnt already, you should check out this thread:
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